I'm Thomas, and I am a designer who has had the opportunity to work on a wide range of graphic, product, and experiential design projects thanks to my professional and academic endeavors. These opportunities have given me a little bit of experience with everything from traditional fabrication to user research, experience design and advanced digital asset creation, though my major career focuses are in the fields of graphics, digital, and UI/UX design. Within this portfolio are samples of the diverse skill sets I have developed through practice and experience that have given me a toolkit of problem solving methods applicable to many kinds of problems. When I'm not creating content for a job, I like to hone my skills with personal projects that often involve digital painting, CAD modeling, and 3D printing, a few of which can be found in the personal projects sections of this website. If you have any questions, critiques, or would like to get in touch please reach me through my contact tab via either direct email or the messaging form.